VizSim. Работа с промышленными протоколами
VizSim. Работа с промышленными протоколами
СEstablishing the interaction between a system’s components by means of industrial protocols, such as:
— Modbus TCP/IP,
— Modbus RTU,
The task of the project:
We were to link a mathematical model with an industrial controller and to translate network traffic to the other components of the system, which are awaiting for the certain type of traffic.
Specifics of the project:
The stands interact not only with the real life industrial equipment by means of the mentioned protocols, but also with a softcopy of controllers, written in Python.
What we did and how we did it:
We used repositories for the Python programming language in order to create a Master-Slave connection between the components. We also realized a program block which can serve as an intermediate link between two components for port mirroring.
Project team:
Katya Simonova, Sasha Yakimenko, Alexander Kruchkov
Time-frame: 2-4 weeks
TYear of the project implementation: 2020